If you have found the QuickBASIC Wizard's Libraries to be of use, you may also be interested in more general-purpose libraries. The Advanced BASIC Library is available for free from your local BBS. I do not ask for any registration fee for ADVBAS. The latest version, ADVBAS9A.ZIP, is available on many BBSes across the nation. A new version, ADVBAS9B.ZIP, will be available in the near future. The ADVBAS library is written entirely in assembly language and provides any version of QuickBASIC with a variety of new features. Pop-up windows, advanced communications support, equipment detection, handy string routines, quick direct video control, and much more is provided by ADVBAS. An even more powerful set of utilities is the ProBas library and associated toolkits. ProBas is the commercial version of the ADVBAS library. It contains powerful pop-up routines, lightning-fast graphics support (including EGA and VGA sprites, windows, PC Paintbrush file handling), routines to read ARC and ZIP files, virtual screens, zippy sorting, EMS and extended memory handling, and hundreds of other capabilities. Excellent printed documentation (two 500-page manuals: tutorial and reference) is provided. Add-on toolkits provide b-tree file handling, menus (pop-up, pull-down, ring, etc), a complete set of telecommunications services (dialer, file transfers [Xmodem/Ymodem], script language, etc), HyperHelp online documentation, screen design, and just about everything else! ProBas is available from Hammerly Computer Services, Inc. To obtain more information or to order, call 1-800-343-7484 (voice), or try their BBS at 1-301-953-7738 (Maryland).