silicate minerals Silicates are minerals composed of the elements silicon (Si) and oxygen (O), alone or combined with other elements. Most minerals are silicates; more than 1,000 are known. Together, oxygen and silicon make up about 75 percent by weight of the crust, the Earth's outer shell. The crust, 10 to 70 km thick, is composed almost entirely of silicates. The surfaces of the Moon and of Mars, and probably the mantle zone within the Earth, are also composed of silicates. The most widely used construction materials--glass, ceramics, brick, concrete, and much building stone--consist entirely or mainly of silicates. Many highly prized gems, such as emerald, aquamarine, tourmaline, and topaz, as well as massive semiprecious stones such as agate, jasper, and chalcedony, are silicates.