Notes on PS-ASCII.EXE: This is a quickie Toolbook app written to eliminate the need for keeping up with those ASCII/ANSI font charts in the back of every PostScript retail font package. I use certain characters (the trademark and copyright symbols, bullets) enough to have learned their ASCII codes, but using others has me constantly searching for those charts. That's how this program was born. What in the application? Well, I've included a chart for one san-serif font (Helvetica), one serif font (Times Roman), the Symbol font, and Zapf Dingbats. This covers most of what anyone should need in the way of character references (no pun intended). Most standard fonts in the Adobe catalog are covered by one of the entries in this application. Notable exceptions are the Carta (map) font, the Sonata (music) font, and anything in the Adobe Expert collection series of fonts. If there is enough interest shown in this application, I plan to write a version in C/Windows SDK with the ability to access the font map of all installed fonts on a given Windows system. Another proposed feature would be the ability to point and click on a character, pasting it directly to the keyboard. Let me here from you. This program is intended to distributed as freeware. (At least it will be worth every nickel you pay for it.) If you have the full version of Toolbook, click in the lower right-hand corner of the application area, in the blank spot. There is a hidden button that will take you into the "author" mode. Feel free to modify whatever you like for your own use. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact me at my CompuServe address: 76427,2217. I'd like to hear from you if you find this application useful. Brad Kozak