Fixes/Enhancements included in Version 2.5 [PKUNZIP in MoneyMizer home directory and overwrite existing files] Date Fixed Module/Brief Description of problem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added READ.ME .bat file Statement to explain "Create a bat file that will cd into a working account directory then execute mm. This will do away with the "new user" screens from being displayed. Added Num Lock Key You can allow the program to turn on (page 6) the Num Lock key when a NUMERIC only field is selected. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enhanced MM.exe Account type "Checking, Charge or Savings" will Account Types be displayed in the upper right of the register screen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enhanced MM.exe When you spend money from a SAVINGS account the Savings Pay Too field will have "Withdrawal from savings" inserted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed MM.exe When an account type of SAV or CHRG is selected Account Types the check number will be forced to 0 which represents a non-checking account. This can still be overridden by typing in a check number, if so desired. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed MM.exe CHECK type "K" added. The written out SETCK.EXE Check Type dollar amount was shortened by 3 characters. Check submitted by Jon Hauko. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed ALL .exe files Turning Num Lock on when the computer Num Lock is an XT causes ARROW key problems. SETCK.EXE You can answer Y/N to "Turn num lock on when entering a numeric field?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed MM.exe 1. During EDIT A TRANSACTION the tax field Taxes was ignored/overlooked. Fixed 2. All transaction types can now be flagged as taxable. (dep,chk,atm,int,service etc). Fixed 3. When you edit or delete a transaction in the un-reconciled account that has been flagged as "taxable" a warning will be displayed informing you to change/delete the recorded transaction in the "TAX ACCOUNT". Fixed 4. You can now DELETE, UN-DELETE or VIEW DELETED transactions in the "TAX ACCOUNT". Fixes/Enhancements included in Version 2.5 continued ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enhanced MM.EXE/BUDGET.EXE Chart of Accounts will be printed. You can use the ALT-U to display all the budget codes. A detailed report of budget codes and descriptions has been added. The Budget.exe menu name is "Print your Budget Codes". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fixed Remind.exe An exit from REMINDER.EXE while running stand-alone will cause the screen to blank. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enhanced CARD.EXE Zip Code added to the sort selections. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Checked HELP.DBB Spelling ERRORS fixed READ.ME (Using ShareSpell. A truly wonderful program) Checked INTRO.DOC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed ALL .exe's GENOA EGA+ card in EGA mode causes keyboard input problems. This occurs in EGA mode and any input field. In CGA mode the card worked fine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed MoneyMizer Reports that included logically deleted Reports transactions were shown as if they were not deleted. A change was made to print on the report the transaction was "logically deleted". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed Sorting and If you sorted an account that had a logically Logically deleted deleted transaction in it you would not be able to un-delete the transaction.