UPDATE.TXT ============================================================================== Make all changes/deletions/additions in this file. DO NOT MODIFY 96LIST ****************************************************************************** NEW BBS - to add a new BBS, Use the following Format: area_code-prefix-number; BBS_Name; City; State/Province; Type_modem ****************************************************************************** DELETE BBS - to indicate a listing that should be deleted, cite the complete area_code/number, BBS name and reason for removal [if known]. ****************************************************************************** MODIFY INFO - reproduce the current BBS listing below with the 'old' information and immediately below that, the revised listing with the 'new' information enclosed in curly braces '{}'. ABBREVIATIONS USED: Modem Type Legend ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CSM = 9600 CompuCom SpeedModem [CompuCom] DS = 14,400 HST & 9600 v.32 [US Robotics Dual Standard] DS2 = 14,400 HST & 14,400 v.32bis [US Robotics v.32bis Dual Standard] HST = 9600 or 14,400 bps HST [US Robotics HST] HST4 = 14,400 bps HST (if known) [US Robotics HST] TB = Telebit PEP [Telebit Trailblazer] TB2 = Telebit PEP & v.32 [Telebit Trailblazer] ULT = 9600 Hayes V & 9600 v.32 [Hayes Ultra] VH = 9600 Hayes V Series [Hayes V-series] V32 = 9600 CCITT v.32 V32B = 14,400 CCITT v.32bis * = Unknown Modem Type - Reported as 9600 Sample BBS Listing format: A/C ###-#### BBS_Name City State Modem_Type 213-484-0335 DownTown BBS Los Angeles CA DS2 ============================================================================== NEW BBS's: ============================================================================= DELETE BBS's: ============================================================================= MODIFIED BBS LISTING: ============================================================================= [END OF FILE]