DIAMOND DICE 2.1 ------------------------- Created By Michael Goetz Copyright (c) 1991 All Rights Reserved 09/10/91 v2.1 -------------- - Fixed problem if used with FOSSIL Driver. The door would exit telling player that "time has expired". - Removed most of the beeps and removed "No Sound" feature from the configuration file (via CCSETUP.EXE). - Added support for MBBS Software (PCBoard clone). - If player entered door in non-graphics mode (no color), the door would turn graphics (color) back on. Fixed. 08/22/91 v2.0 -------------- - Recompiled using latest release of CKIT modem routine library which fixed problem with non-standard port setup (see docs). - If all numbers are removed from the BONUS ROUND Diamond, the BONUS ROUND will now restart. - If double twos (snake-eyes) were rolled during the BONUS ROUND, both 2's were removed from Diamond. FIXED! 07/30/91 v1.0 -------------- - Release of Diamond Dice v1.0