{Rabid Dog} You hear a strange howling in the dark distance ahead. The beast pants into view with saliva dropping from its snapping jaws. The rabid dog cautiously makes it way towards you. {Beggar} "Have a penny for the poor?" scratches an old beggar. He emerges from his abode and gleams at your belongings. "Surely you have SOMETHING for me!" smirks the beggar as he advances. {Bandit} "DIE!" shouts a Bandit as he drops cat-like to the ground behind you from out of nowhere. He draws whirls his steel chain and starts to circle you, scoping out your inventory. {Giant Hawk} From high above, you hear the screaching from an abhorred Giant Hawk. Its steel-sharp talons scream for human flesh as the hawk swoops down through the air ready to strike! {Scavenger} As you continue walking, you spot a filthy scavenger sniffing the ground in search of food. It notices your movement and abruptly stands up. He sniffs the air and smiles an evilish grin. He scurries toward you. {Wanderer} "Beautiful day, eh matey?" says a wanderer coming up from behind you. His orange-striped pants indicate he was a bedlamite from the early years. He nods in agreement with himself. "Why sure it is..." the wanderer laughs pulling out his Salanger. {Vendor} You spot an old man pushing a cart down a trodden path. Dangling from his side are a pair of Natase, stained with a brownish tint. He turns his cart towards you and offers a friendly smile. Only then do you notice the sign on the side of his cart reading, "Human heads -- 100 water crystals!" {Kamizee} On your right, a Kamizee hunches over some scavenged food. You squirm as you think you recognize his food to be a fellow recruit you once knew. The beast smells your presence and aborts his feeding. His frenzy aims towards you. {Zombie} Ahead, the ground starts to crumble inwards. A blood-crusted hand emerges gasping for air. The zombie pulls itself from the black ground and lurks towards you! "B-R-A-I-N-S!!!" {Convict} "Yeeehaaa!" shouts an escaped convict as he hurdles himself off of a towering rock, firing his Trilasm towards you. As a ZZET nicks by your hair, you draw your weapons from pack and face the convict. {Hydrite} "We meet again, Human!" cackles a Hydrite as he sneaks up from behind. He twirls the mighty blade of his TransAxe and sets his scaly fingers on his Raxhaven. {Road Warrior} Rising from the rocks before you, you see a massive human with scars covering every inch of his exposed skin. Carried in one massive hand is a Raxhaven while thrown over his padded shoulder rests a shiny Electric Sword. The glint in his eye sparkles as he kicks up dust walking towards you. {Giant Cockroach} Burrowing up from the ground you hear an incredibly loud clicking noise. The ground cracks in two as you see the black legs of a giant cockroach emerge. You twitch in disgust as its hairy appendages begin clicking towards you. {H'Dryzoid} To your left, you sight a hideous Hydrite creation sneaking up on you. When he sees you've noticed him, he gives up all attempts at subterfuge and breaks into a ground covering run. As you reach for your weapon he struggles to bring his into play first. {Cyborg} From behind, you hear the clank of metal striking together. You quickly turn and face a grim cyborg, half-man, half-machine. This monster looks evil to the touch as his eyes glow red in fury. In a split second, he draws his Sonic Devastator. {Terminator} A few meters away you spot a human covered with rags and ripped clothing. Beneath the shoddy clothing you can see glimpses of high quality armor. He senses your presence and turns to look at you. "Welcome, stranger!" he says as he draws his weapons. {Tracker} A blood-curdling screech makes you look over your shoulder. When you turn to face the chilling noise, you see a horrifying apparition! Waves of malice overwhelm you as the Tracker's red eyes lock onto you, it's next source of sustenance. {Stalker} You have the strange feeling that you are being watched. Someone taps on your shoulder and you whip around frantically -- no one there. You shrug and turn back around, only to meet a monstrous Stalker breathing down your neck. His statically charged Tevix-Bahn illuminates in his massive grasp. {Dredvault} From behind, you hear the click of a rock being dislodged. You quickly turn and face a huge Dredvault. He radiates evil and his eyes glow red with malice. The frightening image is burned into your mind. It begins to glide towards you. You just have time to think, "It moves faster than something THAT big should be able to..." {End of Monsters}