SAVIANS: This training is available for recruits who are ready for ~~~~~~~ immediate involvement in combat. The training is therefore limited to simulated combat, improving only experience. XYNTHIAN: This program focuses on the developing skills of strength and ~~~~~~~~ dexterity. Training such as body-building, wrestling/boxing, and hand-to-hand combat enhance the recruits fighting skills to above average. These huge warriors excel in combat but tire easily due to lack of stamina. ZZILENIAN: This program focuses on the developing skills of strength and ~~~~~~~~~ stamina. Like Xynthian, training consists of body-building, wrestling/boxing, and hand-to-hand combat. To increase the stamina, recruits are required to take punishment undefended. Training for dexterity is not offered and is often lost thru harsh physical punishment. DYGAMORIAN: This program focuses on the developing skills of dexterity and ~~~~~~~~~~ stamina. Recruits involved in this training due not receive the strength condition but to use their dexterity skills and stamina to compensate.