BUG FIXES and other stuff that are bug-like but not really bugs: (listed from the latest to the earliest fixes) 08-12-90 Beta release version 1.00 After several weeks of no problems reported from the alpha test sites, I felt that it is now time to release the code as a beta test. Registration number checking has been enabled and the code will not check the tcan (TCBVVER) file for numbers already verified unless the software is registered. It took hundreds of hours to get this code working exactly right (we're picky). 07-29-90 Release 'F' Finally came up with a nifty internal routine that drops/restores DTR as needed. The external DTR.COM program is no longer used and may be deleted. Also finally did away with the need for AT.COM. The code is now written completely in 100% QuickBasic code and uses no 'shelled to' routines and no external assembly libraries. 07-28-90 Release 'E' Reworked the internal dialer so that it responds to your modems verbose result codes, see the docs for a listing of what codes are scanned for. Completely re-worked the modem communications routines using a completely different and hopefully more compatible and faster method. Fixed a potential bug in a timeout routine where if the user happened to use the door just before midnight and the door started to callback 5 seconds before midnight, the code would just sit there and hang your board up for exactly 24 hours before allowing it to auto-reset! Though to my knowledge this never happened to anyone testing this code, this potential killer was zapped forever. 07-12-90 Release 'D' Very few bugs found in the 'C' release. Moved on to adding one or two features: Changed the tcbv.cfg file so that the code will generate a seperate and very detailed log file that lists modem result codes such as BUSY and NO CARRIER, bad password, time, date, etc. Wrote code for an internal dialer. AT.COM is no longer needed, however DTR.COM has yet to be replaced, so keep DTR.COM for now. Finally got RAID after a pesky bug in the backspace routine. Code would not properly backspace on the local screen and would do other nasty things. Fixed. Code would not echo 'dots' when the user was entering his password. Fixed so that dots will now echo ON THE REMOTE ONLY, but you the sysop will still see the user password as it is being entered on your local screen only. 06-22-90 Fixed a bug where if a long distance user was being called back and that user entered a wrong password more than twice, the code would proceed to reload PCBoard. We don't want that, do we! (OOPS!) Anyway, it's fixed where if the long distance user enters a wrong password more than twice, the code will give the user a 'Access Denied - Excessive password failures' ' Hanging up' message and WILL hang up the phone line on the user and THEN reload PCBoard which should sense a carrier lost and reset the board. I retested this to make sure I had the bug fixed with an actual log distance user and it IS fixed. 06-22-90 Prettied up the prompt file (TCBVTEXT) and also made mention in the docs as to what the heck to do with the files AT.COM and DTR.COM. 06-19-90 Fixed bug in the config file setup. Code now looks for all entries in the config file to be left justified. Also added info in the docs about what to do with the last four lines in the config file. All file name beginning with PCBV*.* have been changed to TCBV*.* The files themselves have NOT changed except as in the config file mentioned above. User definable delay before dial has now been implemented. See the docs regarding line 22 of the config file for details.