This constitutes a bibliography of some of the references used in creating the MATHWIZ library. They are listed in no particular order. Comments reflect my personal opinions on the text. "How to Solve it by Computer". 1982, by R.G. Dromey, Prentice-Hall Inc. -- A fantastic book covering a little of everything: data structures, sorting, pseudo-random numbers, and various numeric calculations. Examples are frequently given in Pascal. Very nice. "Numerical Analysis with the TI99/4A, Commodore 64, Apple II+/IIe and TRS-80 Model I/III". 1984, by H.R. Meck, Prentice-Hall Inc. -- A promising but irritating reference. It covers a wide range of numerical equations with implementations in BASIC. However, the text is terse, the BASIC code is ugly, and the examples make assumptions about the available precision rather than relying on an error term. "Handbook of Chemistry and Physics". 42nd edition, 1960, The Chemical Rubber Publishing Co. -- A thorough reference containing tables on just about everything. I use it primarily to doublecheck that the MathWiz functions are returning proper results. A good thing to have-- try library and college book sales. Hart & Cheney... a number of the routines are derived from a C library that I came across. This library contained no information as to author or origin, aside from frequent mention of "Hart & Cheney", apparently the reference from which the coefficients of the equations were derived.