Recently, PBS aired a special on Chaos. It prompted me to write this little program to demonstrate the "Order of Chaos". Imagine the following scenario: You have a 2 dimensional plane. There are three points on the plane. One is on the upper left corner, the second is on the upper right, and the third is on the bottom centered. Something like this: 1---------------------------2 \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / 3 Suppose we select a point within the triangle at random and use this position as a starting point. Select a random number between 1 and 3. Now, imagine a line between the starting point and the number selected. Halfway, between the two draw another point. Use this new point as the starting point and continue until you are exhausted. You would probably expect that the trangle would eventually fill up. But wait! Run the program called pointp.exe. This will speed things up a bit a show you the "Order of Chaos". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This program was written on a 286(8) clone with a HGC. Let me know how it runs on your machine. The graph drivers have been linked into a unit called drivers and are included in the run-time code. Source is also included for anyone who wants to modify it. This program is hereby released into the public domain... Ben Diss Plantz: ID1119 CIS# 71270,341