Welcome to the wonderful world of ...... whatever. This program you are looking at has been carefull constructed to work under most conditions without mishap. I have checked it and have concluded that it does not cause any problems on MY SYSTEM. Hopefully it wouldn't on your's. Mine being a little strange in that I have loaded this TSR into High Memory. In any event it should not cause any problems, if it does I am afraid that we the programmers are not responsible for any mishaps (standard stuff), but would like to hear about them so they can be corrected. As meantioned in the openning screen for a mere $7.50 and postage and handling I will send you a registered copy (WITHOUT THE OPENING SCREEN) and any reasonable alterations requested. Such alterations would include different hot keys to bring the utility up, or remove it. A hot key combination to REMOVE from memory (it doesn't do this with this version) or perhaps change the KEYWORD identifiers to match your library. (ie #define ESC 27 ). To call up this TSR from any none GRAPHIC application press ALT + A, inorder to close it press ALT + ESC. It is hoped that you find this useful and therefore register within one month (this I believe is enough time to test drive this product). Please feel free to past it around, intact. But do register if you find it useful and continue to use it. Support the shareward concept. Besides, where can you get such a nice utility, customized to your needs and a free 5.25 disk to carry it all for just $7.50 plus $1.50 shipping and handling. To register send you money to : Deron Douglas 12 Jerome Crescent Brampton, Ontario L6S 2H1, CANADA