15 April 1988 Some time ago, I uploaded a file showing how to mailmerge letters using the popular public-domain ROFF4 formatter and a dBASE II database. My first attempt was inelegant, to say the least -- it depended on cleaning things up with FINREP, and cutting the file vertically and PASTEing it together horizontally. YECHH. What follows is a MUCH revised and much faster version. Each section is described following the code. Further, all you need on disk, besides the code given here, is dBASE II, a copy of GSUB20.COM, your favorite editor (see below) and ROFF4 (naturally). Hope this is useful to somebody besides me -- it sure has made MY life easier! ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. LIST.CMD -- dBASE's part of the job ---------------------------------------------------------------- SET TALK OFF STORE 0 TO RANGE STORE 1 TO CLASS SET DEFAULT TO C USE ZZZ ERASE @ 10,5 SAY "B0 Program to Generate Mailing List from DBASE II C0" @ 15,5 SAY " " INPUT "Enter B01C0 for initial mailing, 0 for thankyou letters " TO CLASS IF CLASS=1 ACCEPT "Enter date as MM/DD/YY" TO DATE SET DATE TO &DATE REPLACE LDATE WITH DATE() FOR &RANGE ENDIF ACCEPT "Specify category of records to output" TO RANGE SET RAW ON SET ALTERNATE TO C:MAIL SET ALTERNATE ON LIST OFF '*N1*'TRIM(FIRSTNAME)'**N2*'TRIM(LASTNAME)'**A1*'TRIM(ADDRESS)'*'; '*A2*'TRIM(CITY)'**A3*'STATE'**A4*'ZIPCODE'*' FOR &RANGE SET ALTERNATE OFF ERASE @ 10,20 SAY "B0DONE!C0" IF CLASS=1 QUIT TO 'S MERGE' ENDIF QUIT TO 'S MERGE2' ---------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENTS: This .CMD file sets up a bunch of options for the merging. In my particular case, I had to send out letters requesting interviews and then thank you notes afterwards, hence the 'CLASS' stuff. It was important to know the date the interview was set for, but not the date that the 'thanks' letters were sent out, so I only update DATE() when sending out the first letters. The program allows you to specify a category of letters to merge. You might enter something like 'INTERVIEW,' which would generate letters for all records where the variable INTERVIEW=true. Any standard dBASE II expression or compound expression works here. The data are listed, spaced by '**,' to the file MAIL.TXT, and DATE() is updated IFF this is an initial mailing, and dBASE quits and calls GSUB20 (renamed to S.COM) on one of two 'sub' files. The only difference is that MERGE sets up the list to call the INITIAL letter, and MERGE2 calls the 'thanks' letter. See below for more details... ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2. MERGE.SUB (run by GSUB20.COM) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;this GOSUB file calls PW to edit the MAIL.TXT dBASE II file <^G^[B0TYPE BACKSPACE WHEN EDITOR STARTS^[C0^G||> A:PW MAIL.TXT {^[R^M*N1^[^M.SO RLET^M*N1^[^[R**^[*^M.DS *^[^[R^M*^[^M.DS *^[^K^K^K^XIHEADER^M^[>^M.SO RLET^M^X^S^X^C} <^G^[B0Ready for Merging with ROFF^[C0^G> ---------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENTS: I used Perfect Writer's editor to do this job, but I'll run through the commands in a minute. The first thing to note is that MOST editors (including VDE) will not accept command input from GSUB until a key is pressed -- hence the 'warning' line prior to the line that calls the editor. This warning is sent to the console -- otherwise, yu'll sit there and watch the screen doing nothing for quite a while. Then PW.COM goes to work. It does the following, in the following order. this can probably be improved upon, but since I run PW from a RAMdisk, I'm not going to worry about it. It's FAST now! A. REPLACE *N1 WITH .SO RLET*N1 [if this were MERGE2, it would be TLET. That's the only difference!] B. REPLACE ** WITH *.DS * C. REPLACE * WITH .DS * D. DELETE 3 lines E. INSERT the file HEADER F. MOVE to EOF G. ADD the text: .SO RLET H. SAVE the file I. EXIT to CP/M (still under GSUB control) And then you get the message: READY FOR MERGING. Ta Da! The text of the HEADER file appears below: ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3. HEADER (to make sure ROFF defaults are right) ---------------------------------------------------------------- .HE //// .LS 1 .12 ..\DATE\ ..\CALLDATE\ \DATE\ \CALLDATE\ .BJ .CE 1 ^B*** LETTERS FOLLOW THIS PAGE ***^b ..Do 'NR RAP.OUT' TO MERGE PROPERLY ..BP ---------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENTS: This text sets the defaults of ROFF to NO HEADER, SINGLE SPACING, and sends the code to set my Anderson-Jacobson printer into 12 pitch (that's optional, controlled through the ROFF macro '.12'). Next, the header asks for two dates -- DATE, which is the date of the letter, and CALLDATE, which is used in the text of the initial mailing. These can be entered however you like -- e.g., '15 April 1988.' Then a cover page for the run is printed (in my case, to allow the A-J to get into 12-pitch properly) and ejected. What happens now is that ROFF reads in the first set of fields from MAIL.TXT (N1-A4), and then calls the letter text, RLET. A sample letter (TLET) appears below: ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4. RLET: the Thanks LETter, and the final step. ---------------------------------------------------------------- .BP .TI +40 \DATE\ .SP 2 .NF Mr. \N1\ \N2\ \A1\ \A2\ \A3\ \A4\ .FI .SP Dear Mr. \N2\: .SP Thank you for allowing me to interview you as part of my study of the -------- ----------- --------. Your cooperation has made my work much easier, and it is my hope that my completed dissertation will be useful to --- in return. I expect to take about one year to complete the interviews and writing of my dissertation. If you should have any questions during that time, or if you come across anything that you think might be useful in my study (old newspaper clipping relating to ---, etc), please feel free to write to me at the address given above. Again, many thanks for being so generous with your time. .SP 2 .IN +40 .NF Sincerely, Andrew Marchant Shapiro .IN ---------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENTS: The .BP makes sure each letter begins on a new page. Then the formatter moves over 40 columns (temporarily) to print the value of the variable DATE. It spaces down 2 lines, turns filling off (so the address will appear verbatim) and fills out the address with the values of N1, N2, A1, A2, A3 and A4, respectively. Then it turns filling back on, spaces, uses N2 again in the salutation, spaces, and types out the body of the letter. Note that the letter ends with .IN -- this is critical! Otherwise, the next letter will start at column 40, and each letter after that likewise. And you wouldn't want that! ---------------------------------------------------------------- That does it. It looks confusing, I know, but it works. The major advantage of this over, for example, WS, is that since ROFF is a formatter, the text doesn't get handled until AFTER variables are substituted. So, if you wanted to insert somebody's name into a letter, neither very long or very short names would cause problems. ROFF would 'fill' the text to fit. Besides, ROFF is FREE!! You can't beat that... Andrew Marchant Shapiiro Chicago Contact via: ADVOCATE/312-939-4411  A1, A2, A3 and