VIDEO SCREENS AND YOUR HEALTH by Editor, NYBUG, June 1987 (Some thoughts on safe usage of computers) Q. I heard that working on computers can be detrimental to your health. Is this so? A. The health problems usually associated with working on Video Display Terminals (VDT) or computer monitor are in many instances the combined effects of several stress factors. Among the causes are poor machine design and maintenance, incorrect office layout and lighting and too much time at the machine. It is not always possible to say that one specific factor is causing problems. It is, however, possible by identifying and eliminating stress causing situations to improve conditions and relieve symptoms. Some suggestions for relieving some stress factors follow: Do not work on a VDT for more than two hours at a time. Allow yourself at least 15 minutes an hour doing work that requires looking at a distance and requires looking at a distance and requires some body movement. Eliminate bright light from behind the computer, such as the sun shining in windows. Adjust brightness and contrast controls for the most comfortable viewing levels.