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>  I'm trying to figure out a way to declair a Variable, such as an
>  Array, and I don't know the size Until I've loaded the Program.
>  I've tried stuff like........
>  Type
>      Buf : Array[1..1000] of Char;
>  Var
>      Buffer : ^Buf
>  begin
>    Getmem(Buffer,xxx)

  TElement = LongInt ;     { Here use your own }

  MaxElement = 65500 div Sizeof(TElement) ;

  TElementArray = Array[1..MaxElement] of TElement ;
  PElementArray = ^TElementArray ;

  i    : Word ;
  Elms : PElementArray ;

  Write('How many of ''em do you feel like using ? :') ;
  ReadLn(i) ;
  if i>MaxElement then
    WriteLn('That''s more than I can hold, sorry...') ;
    Halt(1) ;
  end ;
  GetMem(Elms, i*Sizeof(TElement)) ;

  { Now, use Elms^[1] to Elms^[i] }

  FreeMem(Elms, i*Sizeof(TElement)) ;

Please note that the previous allows you to keep range checking on, but that
does not garanty you any security : access to an element which's index is
greater than i would cause no RTE, but writing to it will quite mess up things
in memory...

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